Extensions to the Scenario

Below are some possible extensions to the scenario materials. These extensions represent additional concepts or parameters that participants might consider evaluating.

Thanks to Neil Wheeler of MCNC for some of these suggestions.

  1. Standard sensitivity tests: What is the model's sensitivity to various input parameters (Mixing, Emissions, Boundary Conditions, Temperature, etc.)? Does the sensitivity (response) to the parameters remain the same at various levels of control (emission reduction)?
  2. Perhaps a more imaginative approach to the same question would be: Given conditions (specify) that lead an exceedance of the ozone standard and a range of VOC and NOx reductions that lead to attainment, are there alternatives to attainment other that emission reductions? Move the city to another latitude? Change Boundary Conditions? Others?
  3. Another variation of this (and perhaps more realistic) is trying to reduce the peak concentration with a combination of emission reductions, speciation changes and the temporal distribution of emissions.
  4. Biogenic Emissions - Investigate uncertainties in the biogenic emissions inventory and what impact they might have on control effectiveness. Propose for investigation a case where alternative biogenic inventories actually change the relative effectiveness of VOC and NOx controls.
  5. Grid size - While we are not using a grid model here we can investigate some grid model related issues: What happens to control effectiveness as grid cell areas increase? This can be simulated a series (maybe 3) of scenarios where a non-uniform region of emission sources are aggregated into cells of different sizes, perhaps across a region that goes from urban to rural. As cell size increases urban emissions are unrealistically diluted and as cell size increases even more, biogenic VOCs dominate urban anthropogenic emissions in the cell.
  6. CO - We don't normally consider CO as an ozone precursor but studies showed CO emissions might account for about 5% of the peak ozone. The SCAQMD argued that they needed the reductions in their CO plan to achieve the ozone standard! How about a hypothetical situation where we just can't get enough VOC and NOx reductions to attain and solicit ideas for additional/non-traditional measures to reach attainment?

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