Running OZIP: Command Options


The OZIP program has been installed on an SGI workstation at the Shodor Education Foundation. To run the program, a forms-based interface allows the user to specify options and commands for a run. Simply by clicking on the "Submit" button, an input file is created, the program is run, and output files of various types are created "on-the-fly" and displayed, based on the users's desires. Most of the information presented below is designed for the user who is creating input files from scratch, but is useful for users who create input files with the help of the form.

The input file is a text file consisting of a series of options and commands. The input file can contain the names of commonly used "include" files that are inserted into the text of the input file. This is done by inserting the character "@", followed by the complete filename of an "include", or pre-built, file. More than one include file may be used.

Again, the primary purpose of the Web interface is to relieve the modeler of the inconvenience of having to pay attention to coding syntax and structure. We have eliminated several of the available OZIP options in the Web interface to reduce the turn-around time needed for you to get your results.

The information below comes from several program summaries and users guides.

The general rules for the format of an input file and include files are:

  1. the first four letters of a command are usually significant
  2. top level commands must be followed by ">", and commands end with a "<"
  3. case is not important for the version being used in this example. It is important for some versions on some platforms. Lower-case is being used in this version.
  4. comments are allowed between { } and ( ), or on lines where the first character is "!"

Command Options

NOTE: a number of options that are available are not described here. These options, such as ECHO (which lists the input file as it is read by the program) are automatically inserted or eliminated in the forms-based version. Key words that will appear in the input file are in bold print. Capital letters are used to show MANDATORY parts of the commands or options. In some cases, you will not see mandatory key words, since these have been replaced by pre-existing files, which are prefaced by the symbol "@".

Chemical MECHanism

The user is not provided with the option to custom-build a mechanism from this interface; rather, one of two pre-established mechanisms are available:
  1. Carbon-Bond Mechanism IV: this mechanism is described in a separate reading
  2. Regional Acid Deposition Model (RADM) mechanism : this mechanism is described in a separate reading

A detailed description of the input files for chemical mechanims is available for review.

ZENith Angle Dependence of Photolysis Rates

Zenith allows the user to vary the rates of photolytic reactions relative to the angle of solar elevation (which is related to the spectral distribution of actinic flux). The values in these tables are input for 10 zenith angles (0 through 70 in increments of 10, and 78 and 86 degrees from zenith). A cubic spline interpolation is performed to find the factor value for the current zenith angle.

The user is not provided with the option to custom-build a zenith file from this interface; rather, one of two pre-established zenith files are available:

  1. JSpec640
  2. Regional Acid Deposition Model (RADM) mechanism

Chemical REACtivities

The user is provided with the option to include one of three pre-built reactivities datasets or to custom-build a reactivities from this interface. Reactivities are described in a separate reading. The options available to the modeler are:

  1. Carbon-Bond IV
  2. Carbon-Bond IV (Urban)
  3. Regional Acid Deposition Model (RADM)

TITLE of simulation

A text field up to 72 characters. This option allows the user to insert a text string defining the simulations.

PLACE of simulation

Place has the following fields:
  1. CITY = name;
  2. LATitude = number, (in degrees north)
  3. LONGitude = number, (in degrees west)
  4. TZone = number, (based on the local time zone, Eastern Daylight Time = 4.0, Pacific Daylight Time = 7.0)
  5. Year = number,
  6. Month = number,
  7. Day = number;

METeorological conditions

BOUNDARY conditions

This option controls the various concentrations, reactivities, and deposition rates that occur at the physical boundaries of the reactin column and at the beginning of the simulation.
  1. Base Depositions: the forms-based interface requires you to use the base deposition values contained in a fixed file
  2. IFRACTION_NO2 = fraction (this is the NO2/NOx fraction for the NOx that is present due to controllable emissions at the start of the simulation. A unitless value.)
  3. TRANSPORT = (controls the initial concentrations of O3, NOx, VOC, and CO in the surface and aloft layers that are due to transport. The SURFace concentrations are used to account for the initially present mass in the surface layer that is due to transport. In the simulation, this is added to the initial mass resulting from controllable emissions (input with the CALC, EKMA, or ISOP options.) and the non-controllable mass input with INIT option. The ALOFT mass is added into the surface layer as the mixing height rises. All units are in parts per million (ppm)

    O3SURFACE = concentration,
    O3ALOFT = concentration,
    VOCSurface = concentration,
    VOCAloft = concentration,
    NOXSurface = concentration,
    NOXAloft = concentration,
    COSUrface = concentration,
    COALoft = concentration;

Emissions Inventories

The modeler has the option of describing post-8 a.m. emissions either as fractions or as mass emissions. Regardless, the program converts all values to emissions fractions.

To input emissions, the user has two optional methods: EMIS or MASS. Only one method may be used with each simulation. This option must follow MET and BOUN, and precede CALC, ISOP, and EKMA. Only 3 species (VOC, NOx and CO) are allowed for EMIS but up to 10 may be used with the MASS option.

The differences between EMIS and MASS are described next. These options have in common the following: In the option command line, the user must include the number of hours that values will be given for. All species must use the same number of hours. VOC, NOx and CO are unique groups because the emissions of these species are varied in EKMA and ISOP calculations. The species included in the VOC group and the fraction of total VOC that each comprises are input using the BOUN/REAC and MECH options. NOx consists of NO and NO2 and the ratio of NO-to-NO2 for both the initial surface layer and the emissions can be given in BOUN/REAC. An emission ratio table will be printed on output. Regardless of the method used, the output will show the ratio of emissions to initial concentration for all emitted species or groups. These ratios are calculated at the initial mixing height, a temperature of 298.15 K, and the specified simulation pressure. During simulation the program continuously accounts for changes in the volume of the column (changing mixing height) and air density (temperature) before the mass of emissions is added to the air column. A second table is also printed showing the mass emission rates in (kg/km2 per hour).

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Developed by
The Shodor Education Foundation, Inc.
Copyright © 1997